College Algebra and Precalculus
MIP faculty collaborations on the College Algebra and Precalculus pathway began with an Initiation Workshop in August, 2019. At this workshop, faculty identified the central concepts and skills critical for success in the Oklahoma College Algebra/Precalculus Math Pathway (OSRHE Common Code MA205, MA214, Participants of the workshop identified four foundations to guide development, testing, and refinement of inquiry-oriented course materials to support the development of the central concepts and skills in the College Algebra and Precalculus pathway.
Rate of Change and Covariation
A critical foundation for reasoning about rates of change is conceiving of changes in quantities as quantities in their own right and distinguishing such changes from the original quantities. From this foundation, students may begin to understand, distinguish, and use the meanings of constant rate of change and average rate of change in various contexts and representations. Students in College Algebra and Precalculus should develop a robust ability to articulate, distinguish, and use the meanings of constant and average rates of change. In particular, constant rate of change entails a proportional relationship between changes in the two quantities (e.g., see the conceptual analysis in Thompson, 1994). Reasoning about these changes and their proportional relationship across multiple representations can build an important foundation for further development of average and instantaneous rates. [Explore the Details]
Functions and their Fundamental Characteristics
Many student difficulties in reasoning with functions are based in a static conception tied to evaluating a function one step at a time, typically tied to the formula. This is often called an “action view,” and renders reasoning dynamically or about multiple values at a time nearly impossible. In contrast, a “process view” of function in which a student can conceive of the entire process happening to all input values at once, and is thus able to conceptually run through a continuum of input values while attending to the resulting impact on output (e.g., see the discussion of action and process views in Oehrtman, Carlson, & Thompson, 2008). [Explore the Details]
Multiple Problem-Solving Strategies and Representational Equivalence
Students will be required to apply the skills learned in College Algebra and Precalculus in an extremely diverse range of ways, meaning that they must also develop flexible problem-solving strategies related to these skills. MIP modules can foster an image of algebraic skills as general tools and an ability to strategically select, apply, and reflect on their application in a wide variety of goal-oriented activity. Additionally, access to multiple approaches enables a broader range of meaningful student participation and enables students to select approaches that work better for them, to apply multiple reinforcing approaches, or to check reasoning through alternate methods. [Explore the Details]
Quantitative Reasoning and Modeling
The MIP aims to support modeling in College Algebra and Precalculus primarily through student activity to mathematically represent quantities and quantitative relationships and to manipulate or interpret these representations to draw inferences about the context. Modeling involves the ability to “decontextualize (to abstract a given situation, represent it symbolically, and manipulate the resultant symbols as if they have a life of their own) and to contextualize (to pause as needed during the manipulation process in order to probe into the referents for the symbols at hand)” (Common Core Practice Standards in the Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2010). Contextualizing also involves “interpreting the results in the context of a situation and reflecting on whether the results make sense, possibly improving the model if it has not served its purpose” (Common Core Practice Standards in the Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2010). [Explore the Details]
College Algebra and Precalculus CoRDs and ARCs
Quantitative Reasoning about Rates of Change (CoRD) John Paul Cook, Oklahoma State University
The four activities in this module are intended to be used throughout a College Algebra or Precalculus course to develop and reinforce students’ quantitative reasoning about rates of change. They first reinforce thinking about changes in quantities then encourage comparing those changes for two covarying quantities. The activities then focus on working with constant rates as a constant ratio between changes in two covarying quantities.
The Quadratic River Application with Area and Perimeter (ARC) Narges Dehdashti, Rose State College
In both parts of the College Algebra Quadratic River Application activity, students will work with applying a quadratic function to a scenario. In part one, students will initially access prior knowledge of area and perimeter of rectangles to engage with the material with tables and GeoGebra. Through the structure of the activity, students will then transition to making algebraic representations of area and perimeter given particular constraints of the scenario. Lastly, students will find the length and width that will maximize an area. In part two, students will complete a similar task to reinforce the idea that the vertex of the quadratic provides maximum area.
Discovering Absolute Value (ARC) Dee Cooper, Northern Oklahoma College
In An Absolute Value Discovery, Algebra for STEM instructors are provided with problems that introduce students to the concept of absolute value as a distance. The discovery will lead students to further understand absolute value as a distance measured from zero, and that both positive and negative values can have the same absolute value. Students can model these concept on number lines leading to formal equations which they can solve realizing the possibility of more than one solution or no solutions. This Activity can be used as a whole class discovery, in smaller groups or individually by students.
Michael Fulkerson, University of Central Oklahoma
This lesson serves as an introduction to the number e and the application of continuously compounded interest. Students begin by exploring the expression
Tray Folding Activity: Polynomials and Optimization (ARC) Deborah Moore-Russo, University of Oklahoma
This collaborative activity involving scaffolded contextual optimization is appropriate for algebra or applied algebra students. It is also a good activity for calculus students to introduce optimization with differentiation, but no differentiation is required to complete the activity. The lesson helps facilitate students’ conceptual development reinforcing their quantitative and covariational reasoning as they identify the relevant quantities, namely the dimensions and volume of the tray, with the appropriate units and algebraic expressions for each. This is done in a geometric context so that students can see how a change in one quantity (the height of a tray) affects its volume.
Michael Fulkerson, University of Central Oklahoma
This lesson explores the Rule of 70, a financial mathematics concept that estimates the time it takes for an investment to double at a given annual interest rate, compounded continuously. Students will use both algebraic methods and an interactive Desmos activity to understand and apply the rule, enhancing their grasp of logarithms, exponential growth, and financial literacy.
Lee Ann Brown, Oklahoma State University
This collection of activities investigates fundamental features of mathematical functions from a College Algebra or Pre-Calculus course. Influenced by the work of Dan Meyer, we created interesting problems with varying amounts of information given to the students. Students need to think about what pieces of information they need and use their resources to find reasonable values for the quantities that they deem important. We have written a teacher’s guide for each activity that outlines how we think that the lesson should go and questions that the teacher can pose to emphasize certain aspects of the problem.
Michael Fulkerson, University of Central Oklahoma
In this activity, students learn the algebraic technique of completing the square through hands-on group work with algebra tiles, linking algebraic concepts to geometric shapes. They apply this method to solve a quadratic equation, graph a parabola, find the center and radius of a circle, and ultimately derive the Quadratic Formula. This practical approach helps students understand and use completing the square in a range of mathematical contexts, enhancing their algebra skills.
Multiple Problem-Solving Strategies and Representational Equivalence for Precalculus (CoRD) Candace Andrews, University of Oklahoma
We present eight activities intended to function either as introductory or expository material for specific concepts in a precalculus sequence. Specifically, we focus on functions and their inverses, average rate of change, graphical transformations, solving composed equations, the ambiguous case of the law of sines, and inverse trigonometric functions and their graphs. We also present activities for modeling with contextual applications and working with multiple representations of functions.
Exponents and their Properties (ARC) Dee Cooper, Northern Oklahoma College
In this activity for exponents and their properties, students will work individually or in groups through problems using exponents. Each group of problems seeks to help students develop a specific exponential rule. These rules known as Properties of Exponents allow students to properly manipulate problems involving multiplication and division of like bases with exponents as well as raising an exponent to another exponent. Each section deals with a different one of these properties and allows students to discover the property through expanding and then simplifying an exponential expression. Part four gives students a chance to apply the properties by identifying common exponential mistakes and fixing them using the correct exponential property.
Four Homework Problems Over Big Ideas (CoRD) Narges Dehdashti, Rose State College
In this CoRD for a College Algebra course, instructors are provided with four activities in which students explore, synthesize, and make connections of key ideas in College Algebra. In Activity 1, students analyze two different applications and apply key terminology about functions. In Activity 2, students explore function transformations through a Desmos activity. In Activity 3, students connect the important characteristics of polynomials in standard and factored form with graphs and words. In Activity 4, students consider logarithmic and exponential functions to support the ideas of these functions as well as their importance as inverses of each other.
Understanding the Connections between Equations and Graphs (CoRD) Monty Harper, Oklahoma State University
In order to develop a robust understanding of functions, students must be able to navigate between the different representations of functions. This CoRD is targeted to help students develop a deeper understanding of how algebraic equations and graphs are related. This is done through a series of activities that use active exploration in digital environments that consider symmetry in even and odd functions as well as the role that linear factors play in polynomials and rational functions. |
Exploring Geometric Series (ARC) Brenden Balch, University of Central Oklahoma
This activity explores the topic of geometric series in a College Algebra or Quantitative Reasoning class. It introduces students to geometric series through geometry, algebra, hands- on exercises, and real-world applications. It aims to provide students with an introduction to the idea of convergence of an infinite series, which is particularly useful for students progressing to Calculus. The activity also includes a bonus homework extension which explores the relationship between centroids of triangles and a geometric series.
The “Why” of Trigonometry (CoRD) Michael Fulkerson, University of Central Oklahoma
Trigonometry is of primary importance in any precalculus course. But often students learn the basics of trigonometric functions and identities without really understanding “why” everything works and how everything “fits together.” A frequently heard complaint is that there is too much memorization: “How can I remember all these identities?” This CoRD seeks to address these issues, while developing the targeted topics listed above. It consists of the following four activities: (1) “Why is the Pythagorean Theorem true?” (2) “Special Triangles: 45-45-90, 30-60-90, and 15-75-90” (3) “The Angle Sum Identities for Cosine and Sine” (4) “Avoid Memorization: Deriving Identities”
Modeling Covariation: Cube Painting (ARC) Carye Chapman, University of Oklahoma
This hands-on collaborative activity is designed to help students conceptualize covariation by working with an easy-to-understand situation that allows them to communicate with others while visualizing a geometric context. While working on the activity, students will work with functions in multiple representations, including using functions written as equations to generalize geometric patterns.
Function Formulas and Graphs: Find the Connections! (CoRD) Monty Harper, Oklahoma State University
This CoRD steps students through a process of thinking about how to connect a function’s formula to its graph. Through five connected lessons, students will discover how algebraic features of a function’s formula correlate with features of its graph. In particular, students will develop a formulation and accompanying set of rules which may be used to arrive at an accurate graph of a given function by applying linear transformations to the graph of its parent function.
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